Accueil > Blossary: Great uses for everyday objects
Handy new ways to use normal everyday things around the house.

Catégorie : Other

19 Terms

Created by: tula.ndex

Number of Blossarys: 51

Mes termes
Collected Terms

Mayonaise je debel, kremasto omako, ki se pogosto uporabljajo kot dodatek. Gre za stabilno kombinacijo olja, jajčni rumenjak in kis ali limonin sok, s številnimi možnostmi za različne okuse z drugimi ...

Domain: Food (other); Catégorie: Food additives

Mayonaise ir biezs, krēmveida mērci, bieži lieto kā piedevu. Tas ir stabils kombināciju eļļas, olu dzeltenuma un etiķi vai citrona sulu, ar daudzām iespējām dažādu flavors ar citiem garšaugiem un ...

Domain: Food (other); Catégorie: Food additives

Mayonnaise est une sauce épaisse et crémeuse, souvent utilisée comme additif. C'est une combinaison stable d'huile, d'oeufs le jus jaune de œuf et vinaigre ou citron, avec de nombreuses options pour ...

Domain: Food (other); Catégorie: Food additives

Mayonaise is a thick, creamy sauce often used as an additive. It is a stable combination of oil, egg yolk and either vinegar or lemon juice, with many options for different flavors with other herbs ...

Domain: Food (other); Catégorie: Food additives

Although it is a trademarked brand name, Scotch tape is commonly used in the United States, Canada, Italy, Russia, Ukraine and elsewhere as a generic term for transparent adhesive tape. The Irish, ...

Domain: Food (other); Catégorie: Food additives

Throw baking soda on a burgeoning grease fire. It works like a powder extinguisher. Do Not use water, baking powder or flour, as it is likely to make the fire bigger.

Domain: Home furnishings; Catégorie: DIY

Using scotch tape or nail polish is an interesting way to relieve an insect bite. Blocking oxygen from getting into the bite will stop the itching.

Domain: Home furnishings; Catégorie: DIY

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